Chronology of my articles

This section is provided for making oversight over the site more easy.
Early dates are not certain as some got lost along the way, passing from one computer to the next, from one system to another. The section does however provide an oversight over the development of my thought in these areas, and allows you to check for new articles without having to go through the whole site every time.

Chronologie meiner Artikel

Diese Chronologie soll die �bersicht �ber meine Seite erleichtern.
Die ersten Jahresangaben sind nicht sicher, denn einige gingen beim �bergang von einem Computersystem zum anderen verloren. Es ist jedoch m�glich, hier sowohl einen �berblick �ber die Entwicklung meiner Gedanken auf diesen Gebieten zu erhalten als auch auf neue Artikel Ausschau zu halten, ohne jedesmal die ganze Seite durchsuchen zu m�ssen.

Cronologia dei miei articoli

Questa parte della mia pagina permetter� di ottenerne una panoramica.
Le prime date non sono sicure al cento per cento - alcune si sono perse cambiando computer e passando da un sistema ad un altro.
Nonostante ci� � possibile seguire lo sviluppo del mio pensiero su questi argomenti nel tempo e verificare da tanto in tanto se sono stati aggiunti nuovi articoli.

Erfinder und Gesellschaft

The Inventor and Society
(Some time in 1989)

Ein neues Bewusstsein
(Etwa 1990)

A New Awareness
(Some time in 1990)

Ethics in Business
(Some time in 1991)

The Role of Physics in Progress

The dual nature of light

Der Zins und seine Folgen
(November 1991)

What is Wrong with our Economy?
(January 1992)

Wie lange k�nnen wir uns den Zins noch leisten?
(März 1992)

Vortex - The Natural Movement
(May 1992)

Vortex - Il Movimento Naturale
(Maggio 1992)

Understanding Water Power
(Some time in 1992)

Die Wasserkraft nach Ludwig Herbrand
(Etwa 1992)

Dibattito sull'occupazione - Il lato positivo
(Marzo 1993)

Arbeitslosigkeit - Fluch oder Segen?
(Mai 1993)

A New Beginning for Thermodynamics
(May 1993)

Ein neuer Anfang f�r die Thermodynamik
(Mai 1993)

L'economia che cambia . . . come gestire?
(Giugno 1993)

Wirtschaft - wohin?
(Juni 1993)

Economy in Need of Change
(July 1993)

Seensterben nicht nur durch Phosphate
(Juli 1993)

Interest Suffocating the World
(September 1993)

Alternative energy needs an alternative economic basis
(November 1993)

Dynamische Wasserkraft
(Dezember 1993)

Dynamic Hydropower
(December 1993)

Comments on Gravity Drop Tests
(April 1994)

La dualit� della luce - problema senza soluzione?
(1991 - tradotto in settembre 1994)

Un Nuovo Inizio per la Termodinamica
(Maggio 1993, tradotto 1995)

Comments on Richard Clem's Rotational Engine
(May 1995)

Tetra Space Co-ordinates
(February 1996)

Coordinate Tetra Spaziali
(Febbraio 1996)

Hydrogen as a fuel
(November 1996)

New Paradigm of science
(December 1996)

Programma Politico per il Prossimo Secolo
(Agosto 1997)

A Political Program for the Next Century
(August 1997)

Ein politisches Programm f�r das n�chste Jahrhundert
(August 1997)

Potencia hidráulica dinámica
(Translation 1997)

Information and Logic
(January/March 1998)

Action at a distance
(September 1998)

Azione a distanza
(Settembre 1998)

La fuerza hidráulica según Ludwig Herbrand
(Translation September 1999)

Money and debt
(September 1999)

Moneta e debito
(Settembre 1999)

The Nature of Light illuminated
(July 2000)

What happens to Star-light in Space?
(March 2001)

Some basic thoughts about this universe
(March/June 2001)