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While translations into English were problematic, the Japanese audience of more than 500 persons certainly was riveted by what the indigenous speakers had to say. The dozen or so foreign visitors had to make do with summaries of the speeches provided in both Japanese and English, and a hastily arranged private 'whispering translation', until the end of the second day, when for the panel discussion a translation service was organised that allowed both Japanese and English speaking guests to understand what their counterparts were saying.
Topics ranged from predictions of a rapidly accelerating change in consciousness and scientific paradigm, to issues of health, new clean energy and actual uses of consciousness or Qi, as the Japanese have traditionally called the spiritual force, in various applications.
As always on such occasions, what goes on around the hallways and in break times is at least as interesting and sometimes more important, than what is on the official program. To this were added some 'extra' activities such as a visit to Osamu Ide's Clean Energy Laboratory, and a special meeting, on 23 November, of JPI, the Japan Psychotronics Institute.
But let us look at some points of the official program first:
Yukio Funai, the first speaker, president of the Funai consulting company, highlighted the drastic changes that the world is going through, with people more and more interested in fundamental matters, their own abilities, and nature's principles. He said the hundredth monkey phenomenon has taken place with regard to these positive developments. For those who do not know, the hundredth monkey phenomenon conveys the concept of a certain change finally gathering enough momentum to become self-sustaining. As the story goes, monkeys live in colonies of up to a hundred individuals and on one of the islands, a colony of monkeys all of a sudden started to do something new and wonderful to their food, washing the roots they were eating in a certain much more effective way. When the hundredth monkey learned the new technique, all the monkeys, even those on distant islands all of a sudden 'knew' that new technique and started using it. And this is, says Yukio Funai, what is presently happening in this field of consciousness and new energy.
Shigemi Haruyama, head of the Denentoshikosei Hospital, next talked about food in relation to health and brain function, sport and movement in general, as well as stress and the NK (natural killer cell) activity in relation to cancer. He introduced the concept of "Total Health Engineering", practised in his hospital, striving to maintain optimal health and brain function and to attain a life-span for men and women of about 125 years.
Shiuji Inomata, the president of the JPI, next introduced his concept of a change in scientific paradigm by introduction of a 'consciousness parameter' into basic physics theories. This way, the linear reciprocal relation between mass and energy postulated by Einstein would become a triangular interrelation where both mass and energy also interrelate with a third point - consciousness.
Inomata has also constructed an N-machine (inventor: Bruce De Palma), which was on display, and which according to Inomata proves the concept of over-unity by showing an "incremental over-unity effect". This is not actually over-unity in the sense of more power out than in, but is an effect that is found by comparing the consumption of power in a no-load condition with consumption under load, and calculating what the consumption increase should have been according to standard theory.
A collaborator of Inomata, Yoshiyuki Mita, gave a talk about their N-machine constructed in 1993, and about the plans for a second machine to be made utilising super conducting magnets, expected to provide some 30 to 40 kW of electrical power output. The conclusion from theoretical and experimental work is, that the N-machine's electrical output power is extracted from the "shadow world" or "consciousness world" through the vacuum, in violation of conservation laws as we interpret them today.
David Lorimer of the Scientific and Medical Network, in the UK, was talking next about near-death experiences, and their implications for resolving an intriguing (to current medical science) mystery: Whether consciousness is part of the functions of the human brain, or whether it might be a separate entity that utilises the brain as a point of contact, but has independent existence from the physical body, detaching itself from the body at death, and in what are experiences that are close to that of dying. Lorimer came to the conclusion, that current evidence supports the second hypothesis, that of an independently existing individual "consciousness", not depending on the physical body.
Toshihiko Yayama, Director of the division of eastern medicine at Saga Hospital, confirmed that thesis, stating that from an eastern viewpoint, man is definitely not only a material being, but a vital energy being. The Qi energy utilised in Qi-gong has been found to have effects on scientifically measurable parameters causing increased skin temperature, lowered values of blood lactic acid and normalisation of blood pressure.
Osamu Ide, the head of the Japanese Green Cross Society's Clean Energy Laboratory, told about a motor developed by him, which operates by discharge of a capacitor in an LC circuit. The motor utilises the magnetic attraction between a pair of coils (the stator) and a ferromagnetic core (configured as a rotor) which moves between the coils. The unconsumed magnetic energy is recycled by recharging the capacitor. Ide says he observed an unusual increase of recharge voltage, which occurs only when the magnetic fields of opposing coils are opposing each other. The ferromagnetic core does not receive negative torque during the discharge. Ide believes he is witnessing a possible over-unity effect and has published an article about his motor in the Journal of Applied Physics, 77 (11) of 1 June 1995, entitled "Increased voltage phenomenon in a resonance circuit of unconventional magnetic configuration".
Marilyn Schlitz, Director of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, discussed some experiments. One of these experiments showed, that the attention of a second person (a healer), directed towards a subject in a different room, caused measurable changes in the subject's autonomous nervous system parameters, even without any direct physical or visual contact.
Mamdoh Ghoneum, Associate Professor and Chief of Research at Drew University of Medicine and Science, UCLA School of Medicine reported about experiments that showed two natural substances, "Active Natura Propolis" and "Active Royal Jelly Peptide", to have pronounced anti-cancer effects through enhancement of Natural Killer Cell activity, without any of the side effects that synthetic molecules used in chemotherapy have. The natural substances seem to have a dually positive action, in that they not only enhanced the body's defences, but also made tumour cells more susceptible to being attacked successfully by the body's NK cells.
In another 'technological' talk, Paramahmasa Tewari from India, Director of the Nuclear Power Corporation in Bombay, described how energy and cosmic matter can be created directly from what he calls the Universal Space Substratum. Tewari identifies the fundamental state of matter as the electron, which he describes as a 'vortex of space' that rotates at the speed of light and thus causes a break in the continuity of the space fabric. He stated that through a new system of rotating electromagnets, he has succeeded in generating electrical power at low dc voltage and high dc currents, with output in excess of the total input into the system, seemingly violating the presently held concept of energy conservation within the domain of electromagnetic induction.
Yoichiro Sako, a researcher at Sony's Esper Laboratory, reported about research being performed on spiritual phenomena such as clairvoyance and Qi energy emitted from the human body. Sako's point is that through his experiments he is showing the existence of a previously unknown information system. He believes that the results of this research could help bring about a significant evolution that might force our materialistic society to turn around, and concurrently reform the ways of modern science and technology.
Beverly Rubik, Director of the Institute for Frontier Science, introduced her listeners to bioelectromagnetics, a new scientific discipline that studies the influences of weak, non ionising electromagnetic fields on the organism. A device to stimulate bone healing and the re-growth of cut-off limbs (in this case finger tips) was discussed as well.
Next Hideo Hirano, Vice President of the JPI, and a well known healer, related how according to Inomata's theory, the physical world and the "shadow world" or world of consciousness, are interconnected at all points of physical location, although in mirror relation with each other, and how this allows two points in real space-time to interact with each other "non-locally". Hirano has developed a device, a chart which marks directions and energy levels, which allows him to diagnose and treat a person that is physically remote, even located in a different country or on another continent. The device works hand in hand with the healer's consciousness.
Brian O'Leary, a former Apollo scientist-astronaut and co-founder of the International Association for New Science confirmed the reality of consciousness as shown in experiments with random event generators. Some persons got better results than others, but most could in one way or another influence the results of computer-generated random numbers into one direction, if only concentrating strongly enough. Best results were obtained by high-toned groups and by 'bonded' (married or at least engaged) couples.
Following the lectures an animated panel discussion was arranged. Each participant was asked to define the term consciousness. The moral implications of new technologies using consciousness as a source of energy and as a tool for influence were addressed, and it was generally agreed that these implications need to be further examined and discussed. Man will need to develop a higher sense of moral responsibility in order to properly apply these principles of consciousness in science, medicine and technology.
The evening after the symposium, a visit was arranged for some of the interested 'westerners' to see Osamu Ide's laboratory and motor. Ide explained that, if all energy in and energy out on his unconventional electric motor were measured, one would see a small over unity effect. He demonstrated the motor in action and answered all questions with a great degree of openness. The motor proves, according to Ide, that an over unity effect is possible in principle. It is not however a unit that has any practical application at this point. Ide says he will continue his research into over unity phenomena.
Next day, the Japan Psychotronics Institute held a special internal meeting in a building of the Education ministry. Speakers were again Japanese and Foreigners.
After an introduction by Shiuji Inomata, Hideo Hirano, who had already spoken at the meeting the day before, was giving a demonstration of his method of remote diagnosis and treatment. He showed and demonstrated the instruments used, and had a very attentive audience.
Prof. Andrei G. Lee of Moscow, President of the "Leonid L. Vasilyev Parapsychology Fund" related of his work with poltergeist phenomena and experiments of telekinesis done in his institute in Moscow. He showed video recordings of "spontaneous" fires started in an apartment in Moscow, that could not be attributed to any causes but what is commonly referred to as "poltergeist", spiritual phenomena that have to do with either deceased or with living persons who wittingly or unwittingly cause the phenomena. In this case, re-directing the energies of the persons present towards telekinetic work, the disturbing fire phenomena ceased.
An interesting video clip shown by Prof. Lee was documenting how several persons in the Moscow institute were turning, with concentrated mental force, a "propeller" that was protected from any other influences by having been put under a glass bell.
Former NASA scientist and astronaut Brian O'Leary expanded on the talk held the day before, going into detail on the experiments that were performed in the USA, where computerised random number generators were influenced in a significant way by mental effort. He was also introducing his book, which, in addition to stories of inventors of free energy devices, details his own story of conversion from mainstream scientist through doubt, and at last towards being a convinced supporter of the new paradigm of science that was effectively introduced in these meetings in Tokyo.
Toby Grotz, of Wireless Engineering Inc., in Craig, Colorado, was telling of an unsuccessful attempt at replicating a transmutation experiment done by someone in Japan. Possibly the replication failed because the conditions of the experiment were substantially different from what had been described in the Japanese paper. Another attendant at the JPI meeting, Kenjin Sasaki of Tokyo, confirmed the validity of the Japanese experiment and told of his own experience of transmutation of carbon and magnesium to potassium. Toby also related an experiment done in Canada, just after the war, which involved a set of specially wound coils (Caduceus coils) put into resonance. He said that he is striving to replicate that experiment as well.
Towards the end of the afternoon, Osamu Nagaya who is a mathematician, gave a paper entitled "Reconsideration of Western Science". He argues that Western Science is based on shaky ground, that it cannot explain some of the phenomena that are known to exist. So his prediction is one of the collapse of Newtonian Mechanics, and through a kind of domino effect, a consequent collapse of the Special theory of Relativity, the general theory of Relativity, the Big Bang Theory and the Unified Theory, leading to a collapse of the western scientific paradigm.
This might be considered radical by some, and inadmissible by others, and indeed the paper of Nagaya is a challenge that could only have been developed in the context of the paradigm of the orient, where spiritual phenomena are not put into doubt. I commend Osamu Nagaya for a courageous paper, and I thank him for his generosity in using very little time for his presentation, making it possible for myself to give a talk on the subject of the tetrahedron based co-ordinate system.
I pointed out that apart from Newton, Descartes was probably one of the major figures responsible for banning all transcendental phenomena from being considered by western science. The Cartesian system of co-ordinates, based on three axes co-ordinated at 90 degree angles, is to this day almost unanimously accepted as the tool for description of physical space. My proposal, based on the work of Buckminster Fuller, is to use a differently arranged system of four axes in 120 degree co-ordination, which describes space without recourse to the negative number sets needed in Cartesian co-ordinates.
Tetrahedral co-ordinates need to only consider four positive vectors compared to six (three positive and three negative) in traditional Cartesian co-ordinates. This makes the new system ideally suited for orientation in space, if combined with a four-colour coding system, and for a number of other uses.
If one does wish to go into negative vector sets on this new co-ordinate system, one is actually looking at what Inomata describes as the "shadow world", the space beyond space, which is present at any point of our physical space, but is not normally accessible to us. It is that space we must master if we are to be successful in extracting free energy from the apparent 'nowhere'.
Josef Hasslberger
December 1996