Of course technological progress is intimately connected with our understanding of the basic workings of the universe, as expressed in physics. Unfortunately, once a certain way of viewing things has won over the opposing theories, the majority view (paradigm) is cemented and enshrined as something untouchable, even if experiments seem to invalidate its very foundations.
The most efficient tool for perpetuating the current paradigm and for avoiding any change, has been the so-called peer review system, where scientific magazines refuse to publish papers that are not given approval by one or more of their (anonymous) 'reviewers'. This procedure should help ensure consistent high quality of published papers, but more often than not, the review procedure is in effect 'discarding' the work of those scientists that do not concord with the current paradigm, and thus peer review effectively prevents change and progress in science.
Of course there are more and more publications that do not follow this procedure and the exchange of information through the internet is helping to overcome the information exchange "bottleneck" created by the peer review scientific press. I hope this page may also contribute to open some eyes (and minds) to the fact that sometimes there is a need to disregard paradigm and start thinking things through anew from the very beginning.
Articles in English:
The Role of Physics in Progress
A first look at how physics should fit into reality, like more 'down to earth' things such as technology. We must be willing to re-think basics if we are to achieve understanding of the workings of universe.
The dual nature of light
Motion is what puts things together, what constructs our universe. The wave like motion of the space background or aether is what we call light waves and the spiralling motion that follows out of collisions, is forming what we call visible light and probably even what we see as "solid" matter.
Vortex - The Natural Movement
(May 1992)
A look at universe from a different view. Vortex motion of an aether or space background is responsible for most of the observed phenomena. You will read about my views on: the nature of light, waves, photons, the formation of matter, space and time, inertia and gravity, magnetism, electromagnetic phenomena, thermodynamics and the big bang.
A New Beginning For Thermodynamics
(May 1993)
Thermodynamics is not looking at the whole picture. It is said to be valid only for closed systems, but such idealised, closed systems simply do not exist in this universe. We must take the aether (space background) into account in energy exchanges. The article proposes an idea for a new and radically different thermodynamic cycle.
Comments on Gravity Drop Tests
(April 1994)
Don Kelly of Clearwater, Florida, performed tests with dropping differently energised (magnetised) plates of equal weight and found differences in the times it took each kind of plate to reach the ground. In this article I analyse the results from different publications and ask a question: Does the observed effect indicate an interaction of magnetism with gravitation or with inertia?
Tetra Space Co-ordinates
(February 1996)
In this article I am introducing a new and different way of looking at "dimensions" by proposing an alternative system of co-ordinates, based on Buckminster Fuller's ideas, using not the cube but the more basic tetrahedral configuration as the starting point for co-ordinate geometry. I am also introducing a unique color coding system for instant orientation in space using combinations of each one of four colors to intuitively identify any direction in space.
New Paradigm of science
(December 1996)
This is a report about a historical conference in Tokyo, Japan, organised by Dr. Shiuji Inomata's Japan Psychotronics Institute in conjunction with the Japan Green Cross Society. The idea of mind (or ki, or spiritual force) being real and having it's place in a new scientific paradigm was introduced at that conference.
Information and Logic
(January/March 1998)
Sanity depends on correct information. This article looks at how the mind functions (the mind is our individual information storage and evaluation center) and what we need to know to correctly evaluate and categorise information. Artificial intelligence might benefit from these concepts.
Action at a distance
(September 1998)
This article discusses dimensions, extending the concept introduced in the tetra space co-ordinates article, Gian Piero Godone's fourth principle of dynamics, as well as the concept of a 'life force' creating the physical manifestations we perceive as matter through the action of an energetic pattern which is needed to 'coagulate' the aether into physical matter, much as an electron beam is needed to form a pattern on our tv screen.
The Nature of Light illuminated
(July 2000)
Too many words have been expended on explanations trying to prove one or the other of two contradictory ideas as to what is the nature of light. Mental acrobatics have even led to the promulgation of a new species, the wavicle (a combination of a wave and a particle) so as to cover up for the failure of modern physics to account for what seems basically an easily resolved paradox.
What happens to Star-light in Space?
(March 2001)
This is a comment on an article by Leo VanderByl, entitled "What happens to Star-light in Space", published in "Reality and Meaning" number 46. VanderByl points out, that one of the astronauts, once arrived on the moon, remarked that "we can see stars again". This is a contradiction, in that the photograph, released by NASA, does not show such stars, except in an extremely small part of the visible sky, which is already "occupied" by the light of the sun's corona.
Some basic thoughts about this universe
(March/June 2001)
An attempt to lay down some basic hypotheses on the existence and the make-up of the physical universe. This is very synthetic but my aim was not to construct a new "theory of everything", but to give an impulse for physics to transcend it's current limitation and to start taking into account the possibility of material universe being created by life instead of life being a mere chance result of the fortuitous combination of certain aminoacids.
Some alternative physics and other links:
Energy, Inertia, Gravity
Interesting page by Alfred Evert who is attempting to model physical phenomena on the basis of a fluid medium in space, exploring also practical applications of this new view of the universe.
The Natural Philosophy Alliance
This group of physics dissidents is based in the US, but has members all over the world. It provides a meeting ground for the exchange of anti-establishment physics views, especially concerned with proposing correction to some of the more visible inconsistencies of Einstein's relativity.
Alexander Frolov's Laboratory
Alexander Frolov has been one of the organisers of the now famous 1996 dissident physics conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. He has collected and put on his page, in addition to his own articles, a good deal of information on the alternative physics scene and the scientists in Russia. You will also find reports on experiments on time and gravity control, electrogravitics, reactionless (gyroscopic) propulsion and plasma electrolysis. Don't miss this one.
Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics
If you want to know more about Buckminster Fuller's work which inspired my paper on tetra space co-ordinates, visit this page.
Kirby Urner's Synergetics on the Web
Kirby Urner details Buckminster Fuller's work with examples. He has information on geodesic domes, the Fuller projection world map, and an interesting 'design science' section, which contains a link to Quadrays, including a page where Kirby tries to get my concept of color coding of the tetrahedral co-ordinates into some sort of web presentable order:
Truth Suppression Techniques
by H. Michael Sweeney.
This article by Sweeney illustrates some of the points I am making in my information and logic article. Actually Sweeney takes the matter further by asserting that there are people who are out to give us false information as a matter of professional activity. Actually everybody knows but only Sweeney has the guts to say it.
NEXUS - Monthly Magazine
You should check out the Nexus site and maybe even get their magazine. It is available in newsstands in several countries, and there are different language editions. I always find interesting information in there, which when evaluated and put into context (see information and logic) forms a puzzle that becomes clearer every time you add another piece.
Explore Magazine
Explore did publish many of my articles over the years. You will find some interesting papers by T.E. Bearden on electromagnetic theory in Explore, and some other authors as well. The main focus of Explore however is alternative medicine. Note: To return here after following this link, you may have to doubleclick your browser's back button.
In diesem Teil suchen wir nach einem grundlegenden Verständnis der Funktionsweise des Universums. Wir begegnen der Physik nicht mittels mathematischer Formeln sondern aus der Erforschung der Zusammenhänge und von einem ganzheitlichen Gesichtspunkt aus, der heute in der Überspezialisierung leider oft verlorengeht.
Der technische Fortschritt ist natürlich mit unserem in der Physik zum Ausdruck kommenden Verständnis der grundlegenden Funktionsweise des Universums eng verbunden. Leider ist es so, dass ein bestimmter Gesichtspunkt, der sich einmal durchgesetzt hat, zum Paradigma (zur fest verankerten Anschauung der Mehrheit) wird und dass so die herrschende Theorie nunmehr fast unantastbar ist, auch wenn Experimente längst an ihren Grundfesten rütteln.
Die bei weitem wirkungsvollste Methode zur Verewigung des gegenwärtigen Paradigmas ist das System der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen welche Artikel abgelehnen, die von ihren (für den Autor anonymen) Zensoren nicht gutgeheissen werden. Dieses System sollte dazu beitragen, das Qualitätsniveau der Veröffentlichungen zu heben, aber es kommt häufig vor, dass die Zensur in Wirklichkeit die Arbeiten der Wissenschaftler totschweigt, welche mit dem gegenwärtigen Paradigma nicht übereinstimmen. Auf diese Weise wird natürlich der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt gehemmt.
Natürlich gibt es mehr und mehr Zeitschriften, die dem Zensursystem nicht folgen und der Informationsaustausch durch Internet trägt dazu bei, den "Flaschenhals" der Wissenschaftspresse zu umgehen. Ich hoffe, dass auch diese Seite dazu beitragen wird, einigen die Augen zu öffnen und dafür Verständnis zu erwecken, dass es manchmal unumgänglich ist, die herrschende Meinung beiseitezulassen und die Sache ganz von vorne nochmals durchzudenken.
Artikel in deutscher Sprache:
Ein neuer Anfang für die Thermodynamik
(Mai 1993)
Die heutige Thermodynamik ist auf der Dampfmaschinentechnik aufgebaut und ist nur für sogenannte geschlossene Systeme gültig. Jedoch gibt es solch ideale geschlossene Systeme nicht. Alles ist mit allem im energetischen Austausch. In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird ein neuer thermodynamischer Kreisprozess vorgeschlagen.
Ein Buch, das 2002 erschien, und mir vor einigen Monaten - im Herbst 2005 - vom Autor ohne Kommentar zugesandt wurde:
David Daudrich
Der zweite Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik und seine Macht
First Minute Taschenbuchverlag, Emsdetten ISBN 3-932805-33-X
(Auch auf der Webseite von Jürgen Albrecht kommentiert)
Andere Veröffentlichungen zum Dilemma der Physik und den Informationen, die verschwiegen werden:
Johann Marinsek
"Rationale Physik oder wissenschaftliche Science Fiction?
dbv Verlag Graz, Uhlandgasse 8, A 8010 Graz, Österreich.
Kurt Pagels
"Es geht nur ohne Einstein - Mathematisch-physikalische Kritik der Relativitätstheorie"
Ewert Verlag, Postfach 1509, 4470 Meppen
Hans A. Nieper
"Revolution in Technik, Medizin, Gesellschaft"
illmer-Verlag, Postfach 680093, 3000 Hannover 68
(ISBN 3-923358-00-8)
Energie durch Trägheit und Gravitation
Alfred Evert schreibt zu Themen, die für die heutige Physik noch tabu sind. "Äther ist das Sein, Materie ist der Schein. Die spezielle Bewegung des Äthers erzeugt alle Erscheinungen, die physikalischen wie die spirituellen. Die entscheidende Eigenschaft des Äthers ist seine Unteilbarkeit. Äther kann sich dadurch nur auf Spiralbahnen bewegen, die vielfach in sich verschlungene Knäuel bilden. Ihr makroskopisches Ebenbild ist die Struktur der DNA.
Es ergibt sich ein vollkommen neues Weltbild, physikalische Begriffe wie Trägheit, Masse,
Gewicht sind neu zu definieren, physikalische Kräfte und Felder, besonders Gravitation
und starke Kernkraft sind nun verständlich . . .
(Zeitschrift "Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Medizin in der Diskussion") erscheint zweimonatlich. Es sind auch manchmal Artikel zur neuen Physik in raum&zeit zu finden.
In questa sezione cerchiamo di capire come funziona l'universo. Incontriamo la fisica non dal lato delle formule matematiche ma da una ricerca delle interconnessioni, da uno sguardo sul "quadro intero", cosa purtroppo spesso assente oggi nell'era delle ricerche superspecializzate.
Chiaramente il progresso tecnologico ha uno stretto collegamento con la nostra comprensione dei meccanismi di base dell'universo codificati nella fisica. Purtroppo, una volta una certa teoria ha spiazzato le teorie alternative, il punto di vista della maggioranza (il paradigma) si cimenta e diventa quasi intoccabile, nonostante ci siano esperimenti che ne contraddicono le premesse di base.
Il sistema più efficiente per la protezione del paradigma scientifico da attacchi esterni ed interni è la censura operata dalle riviste scientifiche, che non consentono la pubblicazione di nessun lavoro che non sia approvato dagli anonimi (per l'autore) censori ai quali viene sottoposto. Questa procedura dovrebbe assicurare un alto livello di qualità delle pubblicazioni, ma purtroppo spesso si finisce con lo scartare i lavori degli scienziati che non concordano col paradigma imperante e così il progresso scientifico viene duramente ostacolato.
Naturalmente ci sono sempre più pubblicazioni che non operano questo tipo di censura e lo scambio delle informazioni attraverso internet aiuta a schivare il "collo di bottiglia" creato dalla stampa scientifica. Spero che anche questa pagina possa contribuire ad aprire gli occhi a qualcuno, a far capire che qualche volta è importante lasciar da parte il paradigma e pensare le cose tutte nuovamente dall'inizio.
Articoli in italiano:
La dualità della luce - problema senza soluzione?
(1991 - tradotto in settembre 1994)
La dualità della luce è uno dei maggiori punti di scontro tra i fautori delle varie correnti di pensiero nella fisica. Propongo che non ci sia nessun mistero. La luce semplicemente si trasforma da onda in particelle (e viceversa).
Vortex - Il Movimento Naturale
(Maggio 1992)
L'articolo riprende il tema dualità della luce e parla di materia, spazio e tempo, gravità, forza inerziale e magnetismo. Introduce il campo di sfondo spaziale (etere) come causa unificante dei fenomeni e propone che ci sia una creazione non del tipo big bang ma continua, della materia.
Un Nuovo Inizio per la Termodinamica
(Maggio 1993, tradotto 1995)
La termodinamica asserisce che la natura non potrebbe funzionare. Eppure funziona: si formano sistemi solari, galassie, la materia stessa. Questi fenomeni non si esauriscono ma sono sottoposti a cicli continui. I sistemi chiusi, cari alla termodinamica, non esistono. Tutto è aperto e tutto è connesso con il resto.
Coordinate Tetra Spaziali
(Febbraio 1996)
Il sistema cartesiano delle coordinate ad angolo retto non è l'unico concepibile e non è, per sua natura, quello più vicino alle forme naturali per esempio dei cristalli, essendo basato sulla geometria rettangolare delle nostre case, strutture che non trovano analogia nella natura. La proposta di un sistema di coordinate basato sulla forma geometrica del tetraedro (piramide regolare con base triangolare) permette di orientarsi nello spazio in modo istantaneo ed intuitivo.
Azione a distanza
(Settembre 1998)
L'azione (istantanea) a distanza oppure azione contemporanea in due punti diversi dello spazio fisico richiede per la sua spiegazione che la fisica si apra ad un nuovo orizzonte che includa finalmente non solo le manifestazioni fisiche della materia. Il mondo mentale e spirituale ci aprirà la strada alle dimensioni superiori, nelle quali le interazioni avvengono seguendo leggi diverse da quelle dello spazio fisico.